Jam 9 pagi, tapi gw ngantuuukk buangeeet bo !! Cuman tidur 2 jam semalam.Gilingaaann juga sih..Cuman gpp lah. Last day of CAS !! Hix.. sedih juga ngebayangin bahwa kita udah ngabisin 2 minggu bareng2x. Trus Senin nanti udah balik ke negara kita masing2x dan udah mesti kerja lagi.
Pokoknya, it’s been such a great experience for me. I realize now, that our company is one truly global company. And it’s just such a great working and networking experience for me. Then.. what I learnt most in CAS is.. How to party hard and stay fresh in the morning !!.. Huahahahaha.. gak deng.. pokoknya bener2x belajar banyak. I’m really proud being part of this great firm.. (hahahaha.. brainwashing result.. :P) Nah.. kidding.. its true tough.. I’m really proud.. :D.
Well.. this fabulous 2 weeks it’s finally end.. Hixx.. I don’t want to go to Jakarta.. So much fun in KL.. !!! I want to buy shoes again..Hahahaha.. shoepaholic mode on..:P I want to go to party in the Zoek again.. Hahahaha… No..no..no..no… bad Anggie.. bad Anggie.. hehehehe.. 😛
I’m gonna miss my team. Fabulous Team 5..Hahahaha.. So many C persons in my team. But we manage to maintain the highest point in the class. Yeah.. Go Team 5 !!! Gonna miss u guys.. Hope we’ll stay in touch.. Oiyaaa… And also I’m gonna miss Minoru ‘CEO’ and all the ‘Kasep’ guys !!! Especially the most ‘kasep’ guys from Japan.. Hahahahaha… 😀