Batik Is Cool !!

Parang Rusak

Something I realize when I attended Java Jazz Festival 2008 last weekend, that there were plenty of youngsters wore Batik. They wore it in a very stylish and up-to-date style. They made Batik into babydoll, asymetric or even wore it as a blouse. It’s very cool. And I plan to make my Batik textile (that I bought when I went to Jogja) into something wearable on hang out or casual occasion.

Aahh I definitely love this trends. I always love Batik. Beside I love wearing Batik, I always love learning the history of Batik. Batik in Indonesia is very diverse. Especially in Java Island. There are Batik Design from Pekalongan, Solo, Cirebon, Yogyakarta and even from Madura Island.

But I wonder why, when I try to find book of Batik the only Indonesian name I found is only Iwan Tirta. The rest is foreigners. Well, Iwan Tirta is truly the Batik Maestro for Indonesia. But do we have the next generation of Batik Maestro ? Who is the next Iwan Tirta ?

I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to meet Iwan Tirta in person. Well, he still part of his family (not directly tough). I should call him Opa Iwan. Hope, next time I can have the opportunity to visit his house and see the making of Iwan Tirta Batik… ^_^

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