Woow.. It’s hard to choose. I love both of them. But maybe I give Cashmere Mafia number one and then Lipstick Jungle.
Why ? Because the women in Cashmere Mafia is FIERCEE !!! Especially Juliet “The Ice Queen”, she’s really fierce. Powerful, smart and gorgeous. I looovveee her. But unfortunately, this serial was cancelled. Hiks.. Only until episode 7.. Huhuhuhu.. Why on earth they don’t understand that girl like me desperately adore the show.. I mean, after sex and the city is over, we need something to enlight our path right ? Hihihihihi… (yes, it’s me being hiperbole.. )
And then I turned to Lipstick Jungle. I read the novel before. Well, it’s from Candace Bushnell, of course it’s a must read for me. 😛 I kinda don’t like the early episode from Lipstick Jungle. But after several episode I start falling for it.
And it definitely put Lipstick Jungle on a MUST DOWNLOAD LIST every week.. 😉
Yaolo De, masa’ gw baru tau Lipstick Jungle itu nama serial…gw pikir merk lipstik hahahahaha 😛
Gw nonton 1 episode (season 1 finale), dan mnurut gw ..ada di pbatasan hampiir keren, jadi pengen namain anak cw gw nico heheheh.. But as you said, it’s enlightening 😀 mau ngopi doooong!!! sekalian gossip girl ya 🙂
Cashmere pace nya berasa cepet bgt, kadang gue pusing dgr dialognya.. :)). Gue suka Lipstick karna ada Kirby doong, 6 pack nya irresistible bgt, hahah.. Tapi dua2nya msh blm bisa ngalahin SATC..