Things I Love Last Weekend

In random order.. 🙂

  • Beef Curry Pizza ala Japan

Beef Curry Pizza

Hehehe, hari minggu siang kemarin si hubby mencairkan voucher cinta yang aku berikan tempo hari. Kan tadinya mau lunch di Olive Tree Nikko Hotel, tapi pas sampai disana ko kita lebih tertarik nyobain Japanese Buffet yang ada di Origami Restaurant yaa ? Hihihi karena sama-sama dapat promosi 50%, jadinya kita cobain aja. Me like the teppanyaki. Ambil banyak daging Australia Striploinnya tentunya (baca: biar gak rugi).. 🙂 Terus si mas nyobain menu ini. Pizza ala Japan. Isinya Beef Curry. Rasanya ? enak bow.. Soo juicyy.. Totally must order kalau Origami Restaurant di Nikko Hotel.. 😉

  • Sumatra, Java and Yemen coffee blend as my friend’s wedding souvenir

a very unique coffee souvenir

We went to our dear friends wedding last saturday. It was held at this fabulous mansion at Kemang Timur. But the most interesting is the souvenir. It’s a mixed of Sumatra, Java and Yemen coffee. Blend perfectly as a souvenir for the guest. The flavour represent the origins of the bride and groom. Seriously unique and fantastic.. 🙂 I haven’t tasted it yet. But I guess it will taste fab, like the smell. Kudos for the bride and groom. Great party and may both of u live happily ever after.. 🙂

  • Happy Monday !!

And this one is kind of weird.. I kinda excited this Monday. Don’t know why ?

But I guess I must keep this spirit high right ? Happy.. happy.. Monday.. 😀

Btw, ini kenapaa coba nulis satu post bahasanya campur-campur begini. Sutralah yaa.. Yang penting pade ngerti kaan maksudnya.. Eniwei, besok aku pergi dinas ke Solo nih nemenin bapak bos.   Yang jelas ga boleh lupa instruksi ke mbak di rumah buat bekalnya si mas. 😀 Dipikir-pikir dinas pertama nih semenjak nikah. Si mas tahan ga ya ditinggal aku 3 hari.. Hihihihi.. 😉 We’ll see.. 😀