Indonesia Unite Show

Hayooo pada nonton Indonesia Unite Show semalam gak di Metro TV? Gw sama mas nonton dong… πŸ˜€ Senang aja ternyata sesuatu yang dimulai kecil bisa mulai membesar dan ditayangkan spesial di TV nasional.

Alhamdulillah pasca kejadian teror bom kemarin, apa yang aku takutkan ternyata tidak terjadi. IHSG (yang walaupun sempat turun sebentar) tapi sekarang tetap menguat di kisaran angka 2000an. Travel Warning juga ternyata belum ada negara yang mengeluarkan untuk Indonesia, yang ada baru Travel Advisory.. πŸ˜€ . Dan last but not least.. Rupiah perkasa bangeeet doooonggg!!!

Aaah bangga kali aku terhadap negara ini. Bisa tetap tough ditengah gempuran Teroris yang tidak berperikemanusiaan. Benar kata Panji. Teroris-teroris itu bukannya berani mati. Tapi mereka itu takut hidup. Iiyyyhh kasiaaan deh loe..

Selesaikah perjuangan kita? NOPE!!! Kalau kata ibu Ligwina sih.. Pilih perjuangan mu. Mau dari sektor pendidikan kek, kemiskinan kek, ekonomi kek.. Ayoo tunjukin kontribusi kita ke negara kita. Ibu Ligwina sendiri sih karena expertise nya di bidang ekonomi, dia pilih jalur perjuangannya di jalur ekonomi. Dan kita juga bisa kok tunjukkan partisipasi kita.

Beberapa aksi yang bisa kita lakukan:

Pertama, Kibarin bendera Merah Putih tercinta.. Bok, tunjukin rasa nasionalis kita doong.. Ngibarin bendera Merah Putih gak perlu nungguin 17an ko.. πŸ˜‰

Kedua, Tetap melakukan rutinitas dan aktifitas kita sehari-hari. Belanja jalan terus dong (selama ada budget nya) dan gak perlu takut pergi ke mall. Dan kalau bisa spend your money on local business.

Yes, saatnya kita dukung Jakarta Great Sale dan beli barang-barang produk dalam negeri doong. Gak usah deeeh jauh-jauh pergi ke Singapore deeh demi Singapore Great Sale. Adanya flu babi disana, dan harganya pun gak jauh lebih murah dibanding mall di Jakarta ko. Daripada sumbang devisa buat negara lain, kenapa gak sumbang devisa buat negeri sendiri aja? Lagipula, produk-produk dalam negeri kita juga gak kalah cihuy koo..

Mau beli flat shoes yang lucu dan nyaman ya ke wondershoe aja.. Beli syal? bisa lihat-lihat Cotton Ink.Β  Beli baju-baju cantik bisa tengok Geulis. Terus kalo nyari clutch bag, bisa lihat-lihat kreasi clutch bag buatan jeng Nita yang cihuy inii.. Banyaaak kaan pilihannya. Dan kualitasnya juga gak kalah ko.

Dua tahun yang lalu aku pernah beliin si mas sepatu kantor di UMKM binaan kantor. Itu sepatu awetnya sampai sekarang dan harganya cuman 75k IDR. Model dan kualitas gak kalah ko.. Bahkan si mas sampai sekarang suka banget pakai sepatunya.. πŸ˜‰

Ketiga, ayoo kita support Visit Indonesia 2009. Kalau turis luar gak mau ke Indonesia, gimana kalau kita sendiri (turis lokal) yang berkunjung ke kota-kota lain di wilayah Indonesia. Indonesia itu buanyaaak banget tempat-tempat bagus yang gak ada duanya. Aku sama mas sudah travelling ke Bali, Bandung, Malang, Jogja, Bukittinggi dan Padang selama 5 bulan pernikahan kami. Dan itu seruuuu!! . Jangan mau kalah sama kita aahh.. Let’s visit our Indonesia.. Luar Negeri? Aaah it is so last year.. πŸ˜€

So gimana? Kalian sudah pilih perjuangan kalian? πŸ˜‰

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I’m Grateful For..

  • my Islamic beliefs..
  • my loving parents who is still happily married after 25 years..
  • my wonderful husband who always loving me through good time or bad time.. Lafyu mas.. πŸ™‚
  • my adorable friends, who always be my forever anchor and my betterhalfs.. πŸ˜€
  • my health.. *ayocepatsembuuuh… πŸ˜‰
  • my job that gives me decent income and an opportunity for serving my great country Indonesia..
  • my cozy home, a fortress for my family and I..
  • my travelling experiences cause it open my eyes about the world..
  • Internet cause I can not imagine life without it.. Huehehehehe.. πŸ˜†
  • Google cause it help us to search almost everything in this world..
  • Twitter cause it gives us information faster than or πŸ˜‰
  • High Heels cause it gives woman confident while wearing it πŸ˜†
  • #indonesiaunite cause it gather the spirit anti terorism from young Indonesian.. KAMI TIDAK TAKUT..
  • and many more…

Overall.. I’m grateful for everything I have in my life..Β  πŸ™‚ The good part, the bad part, there’s always something to learn from it. Thank u God for everything You’ve given to us.. πŸ™‚ Hope we can always remember to stay grateful to You.. Ameeennn..

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Indonesia UNITE!!

Dear fellow Indonesian,

As u all aware of, our country had been attacked by explosions — created by several irresponsible (and inhumane) people 😯 . We were shocked and sad. Manchester United has canceled their visiting due to this accident. Stock exchange index plunged down. Travel warning has risen. But we are not AFRAID!!

This tragedy may aim to make fear of us and make us don’t believe on current governance. Yet, we have proven that they are WRONG!! We don’t buy this situation and we stand unite even better than ever!!

They forget that incident like this has gathered national pride spirit among us (especially young Indonesian πŸ˜€ ). In online way, we show our support against any threat by creating a Twitter movement, showing to the world that IndonesiaΒ  STAY STRONG and STILL EXIST. #INDONESIAUNITE now top twitter’s trending topics. Black ribbons is for yesterday, today we proud to wear red-and-white ribbons for our Indonesia!! Other cared Indonesian people create Facebook Pages and sites expressing this spirit spontaneously. 😎

Beside online, we would like to bring the movement in offline way. For example, some people are rising Indonesia’s red-and-white flag today, while some other people are promoting Indonesia’s tourism.

We are hoping that we can help Indonesia to gain their image back. We show to the world that Indonesia is still dangerously beautiful, save to be visited and has stable governance. Also it is clearly stated that Indonesian people STAND AGAINST TERRORISM!! 😑

Like John Fitzgerald Kennedy said in his speech, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do to your country“. We are currently in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, and we are PROUD that Indonesia has many beautiful places other than Bali. We are going to keep promoting this gorgeous place through our twitter and upcoming post in our blog to show our love and our support to our beloved Indonesia.

What would you like to do to support our country?

Best Regards,

Mr. and Mrs. Karimuddin

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