Once upon time ago, he inspired me. He was one of the earlier artists influence my life. I remembered how I loved singing his song. I loved imitating his dance style. And how I adored his music so much..
Despite all the bad news and weird rumors around him, I still think him as one of the talented musicians the world ever had. So, I bid you farewell Michael. Your legacy will be remembered forever in my heart.
These are my all time favorite top 10 Michael’s songs:
- Man In The Mirror
- Human Nature
- Billie Jean
- I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
- One Day In Your Life
- Beat It
- Heal The World
- The Way You Make Me Feel
- Thriller
- Gone Too Soon
What’s yours?
Hi there,,
believe or not, I just played MJ playlist on my Ipod, before I read your blog.. hahaha..koq bisa pas banget yah jeunk?! kmrn juga sempet nulis ttg MJ di blog saya.. dan liat pas pemakamannya gak? saya sampe nangis bombay gitu, hihihi!
awalnya gak begitu suka ama Gone Too Soon, tapi pas ngeliat Usher nyanyiin kemaren, jadi jatuh hati lagi.
Anggi nyanyiin dong lagunya MJ, kan suaranya baguus =)
mrs.karimuddin Reply:
July 9th, 2009 at 10:47 pm
Ahahaha.. aku dr td seharian nyanyiin lagu2 diatas.. I love Man In The Mirror!! 🙂 Btw awalnya sih aku biasa pas pemakamannya. Tapi pas anaknya Paris says goodbye. Jadi syeddiih.. Heart breaking banget yhaa..
I love .. have always loved “Happy”, terus “Smile”, terus “One Day in Your Life” sama “She’s Out of My Life” dan “Will You Be There”. He he he .. banyak ya. Lagi mo betulin tulisanku tentang MJ di blog nanti pas jam makan siang 😀
Oh Paris … yang kuat ya nak … aku juga cuma nangis di situ. *heart breaking banget* … bener banget!