Well.. Not that I want to. But I had enough. I must end this relationship. Because in the end, it will never satisfy me. Thanks for all sweet promises. But I know now, that it will only give me some complicated issues in the end. I gave you another shot, but that’s it. No more second chance. I already have something to replace my old love affair.
After I used you for almost 5 years, I came to my senses now. For me, you only sweet and sassy in the beginning. But after quite a while, you became annoying. Very heavy to operate, it took quite sometimes to load you and many other things that honestly, did not make my life even better.
Nokia.. I leave you now. It’s the end of our love affair. You still quite fancy for me. And your features is amazing. But in the end you keep disappointing me. I’m changing my beliefs in you. I’m changing to Sony Ericsson M600i. It’s kinda old and outdated. But it has quite significant feature that I need. I don’t need camera phone. I don’t need so called video conference and etc..etc.. etc.. all the fancy features.. I just need a phone that can help me organizing my life. I think I found it now. I hope it will not disappoint me again.
Welcome to Sony Ericsson world 🙂
Wakakakaka….pindah agama dengan sukses de…
Yup.. I’m changing my religion Med.. 😀
bukannya M600 tu keypad-nya ga gitu enak ya, De? yang sharing 1 keypad jadi 2 huruf kan?
beli Treo aja dehhhhh….
Iyaa.. Sebenernya sama kaya P1i cuman bedanya ga ada kamera. Gw ga butuh hape yg ada kamera nya juga.. 😛
Tadinya emang gw pikir ga enak Ndar. Tapi lama-lama enak juga ko.. 🙂 Not bad at all.. 🙂
Welcome Aboard! 🙂
Kalo kata orang iklan, Nokia itu: Teknologi Yang Mengerti Anda. Kalo SE: Untuk Anda Yang Mengerti Teknologi. 😉 Pas kaaaan, hihihi…
ehehe, kok tumben ga P1 sekalian. Kan lebih cepet dan resolusi layar lebih bagus. And it’s cooler 😀
Ah Pat.. Ga butuh yang ada kamera nya. Just waste of money. Yang ini udah cihuy banget koo.. 😛