Boston public garden is one of the oldest park in USA. Not as grandeur or famous as NYC Central Parl. But this garden has its very own sweetness. Especially when spring comes. This garden is gorgeous!
Lovely isn’t it? Most of the pictures are taken without filters (except the pictures with Aghnan and me). And it was taken with my Iphone 5 camera. I took a stroll in the garden and I feel rejuvenate. 🙂
wah.. cakep banget ya… 🙂
kereeennnn…….itu ada tulip sama cherry blossom jg ya mbak?
wow, keren banget, apalagi ngeliat foto yang kedua, nyesss adeem bener.
kapan yah jakarta bisa ada taman kaya gini
Huaaaaaa.. tamannya bagus bangeeeeet.. <3
Tulip ada tapi Cherry Blossom gak ada mbak 🙂 Itu kebetulan pohonnya warnanya pinky juga pas berbunga 🙂
I wish the same thing also 🙂
wooooowww kereeeeen
cherry blossom nyaaa…. tulips nyaaaa…..