It’s been a while since my last post. Oh well, what can I say now.. ? If somebody ask me about ‘how’s life ?’. I think I’m goin to say, Life is good.. Yes, I guess I believe that Life is good for me now.
I’ve started on job training in my new workplace since Tuesday. Mm.. I think I enjoy working in my section. So many things to learn, and people in here are very nice to me. They challenge me enough so I can work my ass on the assignment they’ve been given me. That is really good for me..
Ok, that is work life. Mm.. how about social life. Well, it’s been a while since I hang out with the girls. I kinda miss them. So many things to tell them. I also need to do major confession with them. Oopps… I’ve been very naughty lately. It’s not because I had problem or what, but I just want to. Hahahaha.. well, I’m not justify that what I did is right. But I feel that I need to experience such things. Mm.. still not good for a reason. Oh well.. I’ll prepare myself to take all the complaints.. 😀
Mmm.. any difference from past 2 months is Max. Max also has gone to Surabaya. It’s kinda different now. I miss him also. After all the fun we’ve experienced together. Oh my god, last weekend is quite crazy. It’s thrilling and also fun. Three days of fun is just not enough. Hmm.. quite farewell for Max ? Hmm.. Dunno.. I guess we explored all the good food and hang out places. Let’s review it, Bubur Ayam Jalan Tanjung, Poke Sushi, Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebun Sirih, Ikan Bakar Babe Lili, Nasi Uduk Kebun Kacang, Bandar Jakarta, Martabak Cikini, Nasi Gila SituLembang, Bread and Breakfast, NuChina, Splash, Pepper Lunch, Hot Dog Booth, Coffee Club, Pasar Pluit (sate pisang, es campur yummy..), Ragusa Ice Cream, hmm what else ? Did I miss something ? Actually all that places is not enough. We still miss Bogor. Huu.. Oh well, next time I guess.. I never expected I met such nice friends or can I say such nice brothers like them in here. I’m grateful for them I guess.. Hope we can always maintain our friendship.
Ok, work life, checked, social life, checked, love life ? Huhuhu.. What can I say. I still stuck in the same place I guess.. I need major improvement in this sector. Less liquid. hahahaha… :)) But honestly, I really enjoy being myself right now. If I complain about this thing I guess that is normal right ?. But being 22 and single is not bad at all. As long as all my needs is meeting my expectation.. Ahahahaha…
It’s still 2 months until we official become real employee in BI. I can’t hardly wait. Max is comin to Jakarta (I hope it’s for good). My salary back to normal. I can live my normal lifestyle. Ahahaha.. Zara.. I’m comin’.. And all the not-so-cheap hang out places.. And all the good shoes.. Aaaah.. I’m craving for shopping..