Well here is my must-watch-movies on 2008 :
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Category: Movies
24 September 2007
That’s when Heroes Season 2 premiere. Huhuhu.. Can’t hardly wait. So for all of u Heroes’s fan prepare for the day cause the new story is beginning. Hooray !! Here is, clip from Heroes Season 2 Preview. Enjoy..
I Dream of Middle-Earth..
Haa ? hr gini gw ngomongin Middle Earth ? Basi banget ga sih gw.. Hehe.. Eniwei.. Hal ini bermula di saat gw sudah mempunyai banyak waktu untuk melakukan hal-hal yang gw suka. Huehehehe.. Gw akhirnya bisa nonton DVD Trilogy Lord Of The Rings yang Extended Version. Duh gw sih udah nonton LOTR dr jaman kapan tau. Cuman gw kan suka banget, jadinya gw beli deh DVDnya yang asli dan yang Extended Version. Udah beli dari jaman Kuda, tp baru sempet nonton FULL kemaren. Bener-bener full,ampe semua extended menu nya gw tonton satu-satu. Tapi yah.. itu bener-bener BEST MOVIE OF THE CENTURY.
Ngeliat gimana Peter Jackson dan tim-nya merencanakan setiap detail dari pembuatan LOTR the movie, bener-bener hebat dan breathtaking. Ditambah lagi dengan melihat pemandangan New Zealand yang luar biasa. Dari Auckland, Christcurch sampai the fabulous Wellington. Gw bener-bener pengen banget ke New Zealand. Target tahun depan. Travelling ke New Zealand !! Ayo Vikaa.. Kita travelling ke New Zealand !! Hehehehe…:D
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..hopelessly romantic..
Huaaaaaaaaaa… I’m sooo addicted to Pride and Prejudice.. The movie (well, I just watched the movie..:P) is mind blowing.. Huaaaaa.. I already watched it 5 times in the last 3 days.. Which reminds me why I’ve adored Jane Austen since I was in Junior High.. I read Pride and Prejudice novel when I was in Junior High.The movie simply reminds how I used to adore Mr. Darcy, he is such a perfect man…haahh.. (I’m smitten).. and Elizabeth Bennet is always be my heroine.. My favourite line is when Mr. Darcy proclaim his love to Lizzie..
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