Long Weekend is Upon Us.. ;)

Yeaayyy.. It’s 1 day until our next vacation.. ^_^. Yes, long wiken sudah di depan mata. Ada rencana short vacation kemana nih semua? Aku, mas dan mi familia akan pergi ke Padang-Bukit Tinggi besok sore. Besok Jum’at cuti dan hari Selasa tanggal 21 nya cuti. 😎

Kita bakal stay lama di Bukit Tinggi, and aku excited bangeeett. Ngebayangin sejuknya hawa Bukit Tinggi, dan segambreng wisata kuliner yang akan kita kunjungin. Mak, alamat bisa naik lagi nih timbangan. Wekekekekeekekke.. Let see Nasi Kapau, Sate Padang Mak Syukur dan ini niiih yang utama bangeet Itik Lado Ijo. Yuummmmeeeehhh… 😀

Packing nya sih belom. Besok pagi aja deh,  pesawatnya rada sore juga berangkatnya. Soalnya kalau malam ini packing pasti tepar. Kan mau ber “Stupefy“, “Expelliarmus“, “Petrificus Totalus” sama Harry Potter ntar malam.. 😎  Terus mungkin mau lanjut dinner di Pizza e Birra lagi. Ya mas yaaa.. 😉

Btw buat yang akan nonton Harry Potter hari ini, here is a glimpse of review about the movie that will excite u up:

To fuel the fire, I absolutely loved this movie. I’ve been a huge fan of this series all along, but this could be my new personal favorite. Something about it just seemed more polished and refined than ever before and they brought back some of the magic that was missing from some of the most recent movies. At the same time, however, it balances comedy, a darker story, great character development, and wonderful visuals in a way that I don’t think any Harry Potter movie has done before. Even the visual effects and especially the cinematography were vastly improved this time. Even at 153 minutes, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

Happy Long Weekend everyone!! 😮

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