My Dream Kitchen..

Just after reading Kitchen Designs Inspiration from Freshome. Some design really inspiring me. And I will show u the design that is really my dream design for my future kitchen in my future house.. 🙂 .

This is my dream design :

My Dream Kitchen (1)

It is dominate with white color. The atmosphere is romantic. What I imagine is cooking dinner for the one I love. And after that we can have dinner in the table with the high white sofa. We can dim the light and replace it with candles.. Mmm… Sounds good. Or maybe not dinner. We can have Fondue and eat it in the kitchen. Hmm.. sounds familiar ? Yes, just like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex In The City, when she tried to cooked Fondue for Mr. Big. And she blew it. Her Fondue is awful. That’s her story. For me, it’s only Fondue, and it is simple to cook.. 🙂

Anyway, as good as it can be, this kind of kitchen is impossible to maintain. Not because its white color and the furniture is also high maintenance. Can not imagine if I have 4 children and must cook for them in that kind of kitchen. It will be chaos. Cause I will be freak out if they spit or spill their food in the sofa.. Hahaha.. 😀

This design is more reliable :

My Dream Kitchen (2)

It has long table to work with your ingredients while you’re cooking. The floor is from wood. It has plenty of cabinet to put your plate, tea cup, bowl and so many things you’d love to put into it. And most important thing it is not hard to maintain it. I love this design. More reliable and applicable. Well, I can see myself cooking in this kitchen.. 😀