Well, just recently we visited this restaurant. Before that, I never ever wanted to go to that restaurant. Because, when you see the restaurant from outside, it gave me spooks.. Quite creepy..
But I bold myself up. I’d love to try the restaurant that under Tugu Hotels management. It is same like Shanghai Blue, Samara and the famous boutique hotel brands, Tugu Hotels. And also, this time, he treats me.. Hihihi.. Thanks babe..
After we got our seat, I started examining the interior. Frankly, our first place still gave me spooks. I got this large statue looking direct at me. Huaaa… Even tough there was him, I was not comfortable. So I propose to move our seats. Mmm.. the lighting is quite dim. They play the ambiance with the candles. I think it is quite romantic despite all the creepy ornaments inside the restaurant.
So, it’s time for us to order. I looked at the menus. Well, it’s quite impressing actually. They served wide variety of Indonesian Food. From Nasi Kapau from West Sumatra to Nasi Bali from Bali. From Chicken Satay from Madura Island, East Java to “Sate Lilit” from Bali. It was really nice, but when we saw the price tag ? Gluk.. it’s $$$$ (scale $ -$$$$$) . Ahh I’ll describe it the total cost of our damage later..
We ordered Kampong Nelayan (Grilled Seafood Platter) (188k IDR), it was recommended by the waitress. He said that the portion of the menu suit for two person. And I also ordered Kangkung Plecing Pulau Lombok (35k IDR) for the vegetables and Nasi Merah (15k IDR) for me and Nasi Gurih (15k IDR) for him. For drinks I ordered Mocktail of The Day (strawberry juice + cranberry juice + lime + brown sugar). Mocktail is like Cocktail but 0 % of alcohol. (35k IDR) and for him Cardamom Cinnamon Tea (35k IDR).
While waiting for our food, I took the moment to take some pictures of the restaurant. The quality of the pictures is not that good, cause I still use my N73 phone’s camera. Hehe.. but it is ok lah..
And then our foods arrived. Wooow… First impression when I saw the seafood platter, it is ‘DEFINITELY not for two person, it is for four person !!’. The portion is BIG.. And then came the kangkung plecing. Oh my God, there was plenty of kangkung in the plate. Mmm i think we ordered it wrong. I should asked for the exact portion next time..
What about the taste ? Mmm.. it is really GOOD.. The seafood was grilled nice. Delicious and tasty. And what makes it more purrfecct that they served with six types of sambal. There was sambal terasi from East Java, sambal tomat from West Java, sambal dabu-dabu from North Sulawesi, sambal ijo from West Sumatra, sambal matah from Bali and sambal kecap. Yummmeehh.. I always like the combination of sambal matah + sambal tomat + sambal kecap. It wass purrrfect when it blended with the grilled seafood.
What about Kangkung Plecing ? It is HOTT !!.. They used ‘cabai rawit merah’ on it. It is HOTT but good.. And for Nasi Merah and Nasi Gurih, oh well it is tasty enough, they cooked it well. But back to main problem.. It is too much for us. Even tough I tried to finished it all, but I can not put it in my stomach. So I let him did all the cleaning..
Overall this restaurant is nice. If you have foreign colleagues in you office, and you want to show them Indonesian food, you can take them to Lara Djonggrang. It is really what I called ‘tourist friendly’. Especially for westerner, I think they will enjoy eating in this restaurant. They also have lounge and bar corner. So I guess it will accommodate them pretty well..
Our total damage was 400k IDR. We just laughed it out…
gue suka banget ma restoran ini, unik bangettt! emang spooky si interiornya
lo sempet diterangin ma pelayannya ngga soal gedungnya? i’m really impressed! ;). Ternyata bokapnya yang punya resto ini kolektor barang2 antik & yang punya seumuran kita looh, dia pernah masuk Kompas
btw, porsi makanannya emang nendang banget, i like the shaped rice too, hehe..
Yang punya seumuran kita ?!? Geezz.. mau dunk punya restoran sendiri. Berapa yaa biayanyaa..

Wah diriku ga diterangin sama pelayannya soal cerita gedungnya. Di share dong Nuk..
Iyaaa gue juga taunya dari Kompas, dia pernah masuk Kompas minggu, taun ’83 lahirnyaa. Karena bokapnya emang pengusaha dia jadi ikutan usaha bokapnya, padahal dia lulusan IT Monash :D. Dan dia katanya bener2 mulai dari bawah, bersihin gudang, dll baru akhirnya ngelola resto.
Hmm yang gue inget antara lain tiang yang merah yang di ruangan depan tu beneran diambil dari klenteng jaman baheula di Jawa, trus ada replika Lara Jonggrang. Jadi tiap ruangan ada ceritanya sendiri, makanya eclectic banget dekorasinya. Trus di bagian bar yang ada lukisan gede, itu kalo ngga salah dari Afghanistan & di sana dilarang lukisannya karena negara Islam & di Islam kan dilarang buat ngelukis makhluk hidup. Dan pohon beringin yang di depan tu kalo ngga salah udah ada sejak 300 taun yang lalu :D. Gue suka banget ma detail2 dekorasinya, tapi banyak yang udah lupa ma ceritanya :P. Waah lo harus ke sana lagi & minta tur ma pelayannya De, biar puas.. ;D
Jrit.. udah dari 300 tahun yang lalu pohon beringinnya.. Ga mungkin ga ada yang “nongkrong” didalam pohonnya.. Huaaa.. makin syereeem..
Tapi emang sih Nuk. Kayanya ya emang tiap ruangannya ada tema nya masing-masing. Iya deh, nanti kalo gw kesana lagi gw minta tur ama pelayannya. Seru juga. Ntar aku coba bahas lebih detail lagi di blog.
Aaah.. jadi syemangaaat.. Makasii ya Ninuuk..
hihih.. serem emang..
sama2 Didee..
emang pas buat bule, nggi. kemarin ini pas kedatangan bos gue dari amrik, dia seneng banget pas diajak kesini. nasi ‘ala wayang’-nya emang lucu ya..
Wah, kayak dapur babah gitu dong yah.. sambil makan, sambil liat2 interior nya yg unik.. dan ada ceritanya juga untuk masing2 ruangan..
Iya yaah ? Wah menarik sekali.. Ntar cobain dapur babah juga deeehh..
Tapi jadi wondering, restaurant macam begitu emang lagi trend yah ?