Nowadays in the world, there are many people working at home. Whether they run their company remotely, their home is their office, or simply a full time blogger. Wondering I write such a post. No worries, I’m not going to talk about stuff that he always talking in his blog. I just wondering, if you have your chances to work at home, what kind of workplace you would like to have.
For me, I probably will put my PC/laptop near the book rack. And probably I would go with earthy tone in my workplace. So it will make me feel cozy and homy.. 🙂 This is the example workplace that I like, I took it from
Well.. if you work at home, what kind of workplace you would like to have ? Tell me.. tell me.. 🙂
Nice configuration of Mac-themed home office 😀
mbak, aq sering baca blogmu loh. ga sengaja waktu searching tentang BI. mo nanya mbak dulu waktu kul jurs apa sih? statististik y? coz aq jg jurs statistik n pengen banget masuk BI. sapa tau suatu saat bisa masuk situ jg
Halo Vie,
Aku dari jurusan Computer Science UI. Bukan statistik. Tapi tenang aja, ada beberapa teman-temanku yang dari jurusan statistik. Jadi ada peluangnya ko..
klo aku, ga mau kerja di rumah. yang ada malah maen. wong dikantor aja maen mulu..
@Justina : maksud loe, maen excel dan beranalisis ria. Gila loe ya bu.. Emang bener2 peneliti ekonomi sejati.. Hehehehe.. 😛