Not because of reading these books is something important. But more to finish something I’ve already started. See.. I got bored easily. That reflect in how I read books. If I don’t get the exciting part of the book I switch to another book. And so on.. and so on.. Soo.. my new resolution for the next 4 months, is finish reading these books.. Caiyoo..
Btw, my fiancee bought me new book. The title is Me and Mr. Darcy from Alexandra Potter. Ouwh darling.. You’re soo nice.. Love you soo..
didee….eloe belom baca shopaholic???:p gue suka semua buku2nya sophie kinsella…udah baca undomestic goddes sama remember me? ayooo baca yaaa…
yg Me and Mr.Darcy klo udh baca kasih tau ya de bagus apa nggak..klo bagus gue pengen jg beli :p
Yang undomestic goddess gw udah baca. Itu bukunya Sophie Kinsella yang pertama gw baca. Yang Shopaholic masih sampai yang Takes Manhattan niih.
Hehe yang Me and Mr. Darcy urutan ke 3 fif. Jadi mungkin masih lama. Gegegege.. 😛
btw..serinya shopaholic jg ada lagi tuh..shopaholic and baby..ntar aja bacanya klo eloe udh nikah en mo punya anak hehe..biar pas gituwh momennya :p
can you keep a secretnya sophie kinsela juga udah dnk ya?
oh yaa yg lipstick jungle gue jg punya dan belom selesai bacanya (ketinggalan di indo) kyknya nggak terlalu bagus..nggak tau sih…nanti di review yaa mana aja yg bagus hehe…