Things I Love About Frozen

Finally, after long awaited, I watched Frozen at last. You know Frozen, the latest Disney animated movie. I never expected that I will fall in love head over heels with this movie. No wonder that my timeline is flooded with Frozen. Mostly come from my friends who has daughters, but I don’t blame them since Frozen fever also got me. Not only the movie, I also remember almost all of the songs from the movie.. 😆

This movie really brings out my inner child. I feel like I’m 6 years old and fall in love with Disney all over again.. 🙂

If you ask me the reason, maybe I can break it down one by one here. Yup, I love the movie so much and create a dedicated post in this blog about it 😆

  1. Disney’s comeback for a memorable animated movie.
    • When was the last time you remember Disney produce an amazing animated movie? During my childhood period (gosh I am old), I was mesmerized with Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin dan Lion King. The amazing animated movies that are so memorable, makes me love to watch them all over again. Then came the 3D trend from Pixar (Toy Story, Up, Wall E, etc) . Well, Pixar also part of Disney now, but you guys know what I mean. There was The Princess and The Frog, Tangled and then come Frozen 🙂
  2. Amazing soundtracks.
    • Original soundtracks is sort of Disney’s animated movie signature, right? I hardly remember the songs from The Princess and the Frog or Tangled, but I still remember every words from Beauty and The Beast, A Whole New World from Aladdin and even I’m Going To Be a Mighty King from Lion King. They truly make a comeback with Frozen. The soundtracks are banging! And I love love love the song. My favourite? Well I obviously love ‘Let it Go’ but I adore ‘Do You Want To Built a Snowman’. And in two days I remember every word from all of those songs. Well I can sing a long with my niece now 🙂
  3. We now know that Kristen Bell can sing! What a SURPRISE
    • Well, before J.Law hits Hollywood as the new ‘it’ and badass actress, Kristen Bell with her Veronica Mars was my heroine. When I found out all of Anna’s sing from Frozen is all from Kristen Bell I am amazed. She can sing! Not only just singing, she apparently had been classically trained and studied music in college. Wow a humble one for a great talent. Of course, her co-stars are also ah mazing! Idina Menzel as Elsa for example. Good grace Travolta, have you never heard about Wicked? Like one of the most amazing musical ever! 😆 The last one is Jonathan Groff from Spring Awakening as Kristoff. You must’ve known him from Glee. 🙂
  4. Girls Princess Rules!
    • And last but not least, Frozen plot story is really nice. Great twisted villain that I had never expected from the very beginning. Not a typical Prince-save-Princess movie, but a story on how a princess can actually change her own destiny. I LOVE IT! At least after Mulan, I can introduce Frozen’s story for my future daughter (can I get an Ameen?)

Well I think I have said everything I love about Frozen. And I think I want to watch again tonight 🙂

2 thoughts on “Things I Love About Frozen

  1. risti says:

    my favorite too!!! love is an open door, nyanyinya sampe pening saking napsu ngikutin nada tinggi & turun naiknya hahaha, norak abis gue. and another thing, in frozen, there’s no “i meet this handsome guy one time, fall in love and life happily ever after”. that’s new for princess’ stories. and, huge AMEN for your future daughter, tapi entah kenapa kinan loves anna so much more than elsa. mungkin karna anna is far more realistic ya? aneh dah anak gua hahaha

  2. Mrs.Karimuddin says:

    Eh tapi gw pun suka Anna dibanding Elsa. Toss dulu Kinan! hihihi.. Dan menurut gw true heroine nya juga Anna. Dia yg gak give up sama kakaknya kan walau dicuekin bertahun-tahun. Walau emang dress nya Elsa keren parah waktu jadi snow queen.. :p

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