Transformers 2 : Premiere June 24 in Jakarta and Bandung!!

2 hari lagi saudara-saudara.. Siap-siap mantengin or blitxmegaplex buat lihat jadwal mainnya yaa. Me excited sangaat!! Walaupun rating di rotten tomatoes gak terlalu bagus (gak beda jauh sama yang pertama). An then again, it’s Transformers. Katanya bakal ada 47 robot baru dengan durasi 150 menit. Dan buat para pria, Megan Fox nan aduhai dan sexy itu akan tetap meramaikan film tersebut. 😀

Plot ceritanya sendiri seperti ini (taken from

The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron’s dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.

Hihihihi.. kayanya bakal seru yak.. 😀 Siap-siaaapp!! 😀

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9 thoughts on “Transformers 2 : Premiere June 24 in Jakarta and Bandung!!

  1. pOe says:

    aaaaaarrrggghhh….nggak nahan juga nih. valid nggak tuh inpo nya maen tanggal 24 juni?

    btw, met kenal yaaaaaawwwww…. ^^

  2. Kiky says:

    Mbak anggie, salam kenal 😀
    aku ketemu blog persiapan nikah mbak pas browsing ttg persiapan nikah. Trus jadi silent reader yang baru kali ini berani komen 😛

    Aku juga nunggu Transformers 2 ini. Tapi sayang premierenya tgl 24 y? Pas hari ada kuliah. Terpaksa nunggu weekend (itu pun pasti berebutan best-view seat). Hiks..hiks..

    Mari kita menungguuu 😀

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