Our First Candle Light Dinner..

Well.. actually he had plan asking me to have candle light dinner on Valentine Day. But unfortunately all the restaurants that he called is fully booked. So.. we decided to watch LOVE movie at Setiabudi.

After we had the ticket, we decided to have dinner in Setiabudi One. First option is Sushi Groove. But then we found nice cafe in second floor. And the ambiance is quite romantic. So, we went to Amadeus Cafe.
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The Grand Duck King, Blitz Megaplex and Forever 21

Pekerjaan lagi menggigit banget akhir-akhir ini. Semingguan ini setiap pulang kantor selalu keleyengan karena pusing bergulat dengan angka-angka… Huuh.. nasibnya kerja di Direktorat yang berbau-bau statistik. Gak jauh-jauh dari angka soalnya.. Hehehe.. Tapi pusing di kantor tidak menyurutkan niat gw untuk jalan-jalan after hour.

Hari Rabu dah puas nonton American Gangster di EX. Tentunya pakai promo buy 1 get 1 Citibank Clear Card dunk.. Bistu kemarin pengen nyobain promo Mandiri Titanium 75% di Blitz. Nonton apa ? Nonton Perempuan Punya Cerita. Hehehehe..
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