Aisha Prameshwari Putri

Aisha Prameshwari Putri

Putri Pertama Indah Wulansari (alias Nongki) dan Teddy Ariawan.

Lahir Tanggal 19 Juli 2008 Pukul 16.20 di RS Bunda Menteng Jakarta

Dede Aisha.. Welcome to the world.. 🙂 Semoga jadi anak yang baik budi pekertinya, sholehah dan berbakti kepada orang tua nya yaaah..

Tante Dide ga sabar ketemu Dede Aisha lagiii.. Hihihihi.. Btw, lihat deh hidung keatas Nongki banget yaaah. Terus hidung kebawah Teddy banget. Hihihi.. Campuran yang bagooosss..

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I Need My Peace..

I said it all..
Yes, I cried..
Do I already let it go ?
I don’t know..
I am confuse..
I pulled out all of my defenses..
I showed all of my vulnerabilities..
Do I get what I expected ?
Do I feel a lot better know ?
I still don’t know..
Why.. why.. why..
I still need to find my peace.
Owh God, I do need your guidance..

I’m Back To My Zen..

Well honestly, today, I was very un-Zen. I was very cranky and very upset about everything. I feel very tired, and that is because of the chaotic weekend. I got problem with my wedding souvenir. My fiancee left me for experia (it’s metaphor ) . My family misunderstood me. And I got my PMS.

Just a nightmare feeling, because I can not reveal all of my feelings. On those days are family day. Saturday I went watching Kungfu Panda with him and my family. And on Sunday I went to his family gathering. So I must pull off my crankyness (is that a word ?!?) and put smile in my face. Damn I hate faking off. But I must.
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Cuti Pertama di BI

Akhirnyaaa… diriku eligible juga mengambil cuti. Hiks.. terharu.. senangnya.. Gila ya, setahun kerja tanpa vacation sama sekali. Huaaa.. sutrisno beraaaat… Umm sebenarnya ga bisa dibilang cuti juga sih yaa.. Secara diriku cuman ijin sehari. Huahahahaha.. 😆

Jadi gini, passport ku sudah habis masa berlakunya. Jadinya harus segera diperpanjang (daripada kena denda). Well, jadi sekalian aja deh ijin. Naah kan ngurus passport ga lama. Daripada waktu ijinnya mubazir, mangkanya langsung ada ide buat bersenang-senang niih. Hehehe, gara-gara mas Atet waktu itu ngomongin soal Waterbom Jakarta, ko jadi tergoda buat kesana yaaa ?
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