Huuff.. this morning I received big news that is quite shocking (well, I almost stop breathing..:P). But it is a very good news š but I still can not share it with the others.. Well, did I ever mention that I always can feel about something that is going to happen with my dearest friends… Hehehe, this is another episode of that ‘feeling’.. I’m quite amaze with myself.. But, just can not wait to hear the detail of the news.. Yaiyyy.. So excited !!! š
Category: Uncategorized
Iām in the mood for diet !!
Hohohoho… Bukan tanpa alasan sih gw pengen diet (lagi). Itu karena gw sudah merasa ‘chubby’ lagi.. Hueeee… sebel buangeeett deeehh.. Ini gara-gara asupan gizi yang luar biasa pada saat training.. š Pipi udah keliatan tebel.. Udah bisa dicubit2x lagi.. Sebel..sebel..sebel.. !!!
Hmmm, pokoknya gw udah set target. Pokoknya Agustus mesti balik ke berat ideal gw !! Apa ? gw terlalu optimis ? Gak dong.. gw yakin gw bisa.. Gw gitu loohh.. Gw kan determined bangeett !! Kalo gw tau apa yang gw mau, weh.. gw kejar sampai mission accomplished !! Ambisius ?? emang.. sekali lagi.. Gw gitu looochh… Huahuahua.. :))
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Isn’t it true that zero represent emptiness ? Hmm well, If it is true, then what’s the problem ? I don’t think there is a problem if you feel empty. It is totally acceptable right ? Maybe some people say it’s bad, but maybe you must see the situation also.
Like my situation right now, I just need to feel empty.. zero.. and back to my full consciousness. That’s not bad.. I just need it, to gain my full awareness.. I think, if something is very fuzzy you must clear it down again. And then you can see the right thing to do.. š
Iām moving on !!
I feel like I’ve been blessed in the past week. What did happen is quite breath taking.. Hehe.. ok, maybe I start to hiperbole things.. But really, it is quite amazing and I never expected this sort of thing happen this fast. Well, so I think I must feel very thankfull especially for those people who has supported me to move on !! I guess the next task is quite challenging. But I believe I will learn much more..So, what I must do this following week is to finish up all of my deliverables.. And take necessary action to do knowledge transfer…. Hmm.. finally, I’m moving on.. š Soo.. happy !!!
..kenapa ya 1 menit = 60 detik ?..
Hmm.. pertanyaan ini diajukan oleh temen baik gw yang lagi super kasmaran berat. Dia menyadari betapa pacaran jarak jauh itu seakan-akan membuat waktu terasa lama sekali sehingga dia pun menyadari kenapa ya 1 menit itu harus 60 detik.. ?
Salah satu omongan ga penting kita sih sih sebenernya. Bahkan kalo dilihat dari konteks yang berbeda, jika kita dengar ada orang bertanya begitu pasti kita akan langsung bingung… Ga mutu banget ga sih hal kayak gitu mesti ditanyain.. Huehehe.. Tapi somehow.. it just makes me realize, that if you fall deeply in love with someone.. And you must separate a thousand miles with the one you love.. Yes.. I agree.. Time move slower..And you will ask that stupid question.. ‘Kenapa ya 1 menit = 60 detik ?’.. Hahaha..
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