If you read this, and you shocked, because that is so not me, yelling those 2 words aload.. Well I’m surprised also.. I just feel very low.. very useless.. very not appreciate it.. Those two words, quite representative for what I feel right now.. Just hoping for another good situation to save my soul..:(
Category: Uncategorized
Arie, sumpah loe gak asik banget !!!!!
Duh.. gw speechless deh rie.. Loe sumpah ya.. gak asikkk banget !!… Kalo bisa gak temen lagi.. boleh gak rie ? Huh.. abiss.. gak asiiikkk… Well then, as I told you before.. I knew it lah.. Hihihihihihi ;)) Tp yang jelas, I’m happy for you lah.. đŸ˜€ Don’t forget, because of this, you owe me sushi tei !!!
Very Blue
It just make my heart broken, just to know that something that I really love to do, is not that enjoyable again.. And that is because some person who is very wrong… Sometimes, I just want to say, I quit.. But that is not suppose to be like that.. I mean, I’m not a quitter.. I should be strong enough to handle pressure..
And maybe I think, is the pressure is too much ? How can I compare it ? It should be not that complicated.. But then I realise.. The people factor is very important.. You can walk into dessert with only a bottle of water with you.. If you are alone, I believe you will get desperate quickly.. But if you have companion, a very good companion, I believe there is still jokes and also fun in it..
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Barely Breathing…
Is there any choice to escape from bad situation ? When you feel suffocated, like you almost feel barely breathing because of something that keep coming, and you feel like it never ending.. Sigh.. I feel that kind of preasure lately… It is torturing.. But in the other side, I feel like, this is the way you evolve into something better.. Really ? Just pretend that you are always strong enough to handle all of this pressure.. But hey, maybe I can.. The pressure won’t kill me right ? If it doesn’t kill me, make me stronger..:D <fufufufu.. just encouraging myself, and keep the positive thinking alive..:)>