..and the reason why..

This is my first post on my new blog. Finally, I decided to have a domain with my own name. Well, honestly, I never took blogging this serious before. All I do is because I love doing it. I always love writing. And I found I can put my passion of writing in this blog. And I’m on it for long period of time. I will tell all of my stories in this blog. My passions and all my love in this world.

Well, actually you can do blogging in usual place (wordpress,blogspot, etc..) Why must I buy my own domain, just for blogging ? And then came my second reason…

My full name now is Anggraini Widjanarti. It is a simple name. But it is full of means and hopes. Just like when my grandparents wish when they gave me this name. Eyang Junta (my grandmother’s brother from my mother side) gave me Anggraini for my first name. Anggraini means Goddess of good and honesty. It’s taken from ancient Javanese story I suppose. And my grandfather from my father side, gave me Widjanarti for my last name. It’s also taken from ancient Javanese story. Widjanarti is supposed to be the source of knowledge in this world. So, all of my eldest (my parents and my grandparents) hoped that I can be a good, honest and smart person. Well, that’s their hope when I first arrived in this world. Hope I can make them proud for who I have became now..

Ouwh.. because I am a woman. I realize than sooner or later, I’m going to change my last name with my-future-to-be-husband’s family name. And there will not be Widjanarti anymore. It is going to be Anggraini + W. + my-future-to-be-husband’s family name. I want to keep my last name into something real. And that’s why I bought this domain and I put my name on it. 🙂

This blog is gonna be what inside of me. Truly me.. Since the day I was born and to what I will become then..
So.. hope you’re going to enjoy reading my blog. It is still about me, and everything that is around me.. Cheers.. 😀

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