Are You a Coffee Lover or a Coffee Addict ?

What’s the different ? What’s the definition of a coffee lover or a coffee addict ?

Honestly, I also don’t know the definition. But if I can say about myself, I’m considering myself as a coffee lover but I am not a coffee addict. I don’t necessary put coffee in my must drink every day. I rarely drink coffee in work days. But I love to have a special time to drink a pretty good roasted coffee. I can enjoy pure arabica roasted coffee, pure without any sugar at all. And you will think, isn’t it bitter ? Yes it is.. And I really like it. First you will taste bitter.. But then.. You will taste sweet also. The richness in the coffee bean makes the flavor very interesting.

My favorite is Sumatra Coffee. Because of the sweetness. But lately I find myself fond of Toraja Kalosi Coffee. It is very bitter and it also very rich. I love it !!.. My new favorite place to enjoy that kind of coffee is in Anomali Coffee. Hehehe.. Actually my friend own this coffee shop.. And I’ve known him quite long to know that he is also a coffee lover.

Anomali Coffee

The place is very nice. And the price is quite OK. Not too expensive like the usual coffee shop franchising (e.g Starbucks, Coffee Bean). And they also provide free Wii Fi. Owh.. why I kept continuing to promote this place.. Wehehehe.. But one thing I don’t like about this place. There is no separate section for non smoking and smoking area. Maybe because the limitation of the area, or maybe because coffee can not separate with cigar ? Ouch..

One thing I find interesting about this place, is that they provide the coffee bean directly from the coffee farmer. They support the Fair Trade. I hope that many people will follow this action. I guess if we cut the middle man it will help to upgrade the quality of our coffee (Indonesia’s coffee) and also the price.

Do you know that New York’s market decide the price of coffee commodity in the world ? And they don’t have any coffee plantation in New York. Huff.. I have a dream that someday, if the New York’s market want to decide the price of coffee commodity in the world they will held their decision after the Jakarta’s market (Indonesia’s market) gave their price.

Anyway.. back to Anomali Coffee. I will keep coming back to this place. I love the coffee and the sandwich is very nice also. And I will keep choose corner or maybe the terrace in the second floor to avoid the smoke from the smokers around me.

9 thoughts on “Are You a Coffee Lover or a Coffee Addict ?

  1. ojochan says:

    kalo suka Kopi Toraja, cobain Kopi Mandailing deh, De. itu juga enak. Toraja emang the best! do you know if there’s any place in Jakarta that serve Turkish coffee? it’s very interesting, they serve it in a small cup (kayak gelas gula buat ice lemon tea), tapi kopinya VERY smooth dan ga perlu pake gula lagi karena dari brew-nya dah cukup manis. 🙂

  2. Irvan says:

    Dear Dide.. hehehe.. thanks yaa udah masukin Anomali ke blog looo.. bae’ bener si lo.. hehee.. soal non-smokers area, memang bakalan ada kok, soon! kalo ada langsung gw kasih tau lo ya! lo ngarti banget tu kayaknya soal fair trade sama commodity kita yg dihargain sama negara lain (walaupun mereka ga punya kebun sendiri 🙁 )

    Thanks for keep commin back! 🙂

    See you sis!


  3. blabberism says:

    I love Anomali too, cozy place & nice coffee. You can smell coffee everywhere.. (stumbled on your blog while googling on anomali)

    Anyway, I too the coffee addict quiz, I think I fall in that category *lol*

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