We took that long walk in Berlin..

Finally I arrived in Berlin.. After 12 hours (more) flights.. 🙁 Oh well, actually I arrived yesterday. But I felt soo tired, and I decided to take a very nice sleep. I slept 12 hours just to regain my fit condition..

We stay in Augusta Hotel, exactly in the heart of Berlin. Near Kurfurstendamn, (near shopping center.. :D) hehehe.. Well, shopping is not my main goal here in Berlin. Hehe.. 😉 Btw, this hotel is quite nice. We got room that has balcony.. 🙂 So we can see the street from our room. There is also wi-fi connection in the hotel, not in the room exactly, but in the restaurant. So I can connect using my father laptop, and we can serve ourself with 24 hours coffee maker in the restaurant. The coffee maker, make a very nice latte btw.. hehehe..;)

Well, today is a very nice day in Berlin. I still feel like summer in here, the sun is very sunny although the wind is quite windy.. hehehe.. 😉 We went to Brandenburger Tor, Reichstag, and we took a long walk in Unter de Linden. So many things to see in Unter de Linden, there are several gift shops, some museums, but the nicest thing that I experienced today is that I saw Cinderella ballet poster in Staatsoper, and then immediately I checked if there is still open ticket for that show. Thank God there is !!! 😀 So, I bought one ticket (since my parents never interested in that kind of stuff), and it is going to be on Thursday show.. 🙂 Soo happy.. Europe is amazing, the history is fantastic, and the art is always mind blowing.. We also took an hour boat ride. Well, it’s not that impressive for me, because the guide explained everything in Germany.. 🙁 But I took some amazing pictures along the river banks. We can see fantastic building, and the architecture of the building is very unique. I took the pictures for my brother. I hope the pictures can inspire him to become great architect someday.. 🙂

I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow. Maybe I will check out Pergammon Museum. Or maybe I will check out berlin zoo or maybe berlin aquarium.. hehe.. we’ll see.. 🙂

Well, it’s almost 7 PM in the evening. I need to find some evening dress to wear on Wednesday, there’s going to be 100th anniversary of IEC (conference that my father attend) in Berlin Concert Hall. Fancy huh ? Definitely.. 🙂 I want to see Berlin concert hall.. But the thing is, I didn’t bring any evening dress (and that is the dress code for the anniversary). I saw one nice dress in H&M earlier this evening, so I guess I must run now. The shop will close at 8 PM. Hehehe.. I hope I still have time.. 🙂 Run..run..run…