The Warmest Heart

A long time ago
When everythin so grey and unpleasant
I dreamt of a heart
A heart that warmth spread across my universe

The Warmest Heart
That’s what I called
A scoope of hope
That’s what people called

Long before I can feel it’s present
Long before that I’ve been numb
And one day..
It came to approach me

A happiness that I felt strange
Reality that took all of my gravity
And makes me wonder..
How can everything fall into this ?

I felt like waking up from my long sleep..
The air is light and crispy..
I can smell sweet of cinnamon
And that hope is not lost after all..

The Warmest Heart I found..
The Warmest Heart I own..
The Warmest Heart I keep..
And all the happiness in the world..


i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear no fate
(for you are my fate,my sweet)
i want no world
(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart
(i carry it in my heart)

by : E.E. Cummings
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Suara Hati

Malam ini sunyi..
Keheningan malam dengan purnama menyinari
Membuat kesendirianku tampak sekali lagi

Galau batin mengusik ketenanganku
Denting dawai pun tak goyahkan resah ini
Terlalu aneh untuk di rasa
Dan selalu berulang terjadi

Tersenyum dan Tertawa ragaku
Sedangkan air mata menetes di jiwaku
Bahagia seharusnya ku jalani
Tapi kenapa hampa yang kudapat

Ilalang membisikan suara hati
Yang terbawa angin menerpa wajahku
Kudengar bicara alam di telingaku
Dan aku mengerti jawabannya

Tulus hati dapat meruntuhkan keangkuhan jiwa
Kehilangan itu ilusi semata yang membawa kesedihan
Tapakilah kejujuran dan lapangkan sukma jiwamu
Berbahagialah senantiasa dan kedamaian akan kau jelang

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Kelambu kelam terpaut di kalbu
Mengurai kenangan yang pernah terlukis
Semburat senyum terbayang dibalik itu
Dan indahkah semua angan dibalik tangis ?

Adalah topenG yang menyelamatkan jiwa
Dikala kejujuran menjadi tombak
Apakah semua harus berjalan atas logika ?
Dan hati pun berkata tidak

Akhirnya semua harus terhempas
Bagaikan kapal berlabuh tanpa jangkar
Kesedihan tergurat di wajahmu yang keras
Selaras rasa yang perlahan memudar

~inspired from true story..

Puisinya Memed..



pray the beat of the morning drums
lift your spirits soaring high
coz now your time has finally come
to build skyscrapers through the sky

just look up whenever you fall
and look down when you fly
cherish every single laugh
and learn from every cry

Be strong, hang on, and take your time
At the end you’ll be who you’ve wanted to be
While these may be just jumbled words that rhyme
It’s also a prayer, for you, from me.

Bagus yaaaa…. Puisi buatan Memed.. Memedd… aku jadi super kangen sama loe… 🙁 Terharu berat… Makasi doanya ya Meeedd.. ACK always.. :*