Just 3 words that I must try to understand the meaning of it.. Not only understand it.. But also try to act like it.. Can I ? Oh yes I can.. Only need a little bit of good and strong intention..:P Oh gosh.. It’s only 8:07 PM and I already sleepy.. Really need a real good sleep.. And for a moment just forget that, tomorrow is Monday.. Yikes.. another week to start.. Hohoho.. I still want another weekend to come..
Category: Uncategorized
Hari minggu bangun siang.. Trus udaranya enak banget.. Dingiiinn anyep-anyep gitu.. jadi makin betah di tempat tidur.. Kalo udah kayak gini, males banget bangun.. huehuehue..
Jadinya narik laptop ke tempat tidur, trus online pagi2x.. Seneng juga pagi2x gini ketemu orang di YM yang sama2x udah online pagi dan blom mandi dan gosok gigi.. Huehuehue..
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What a Day !!
I know.. I know.. I can not complain.. What I’ve been through it’s not the worst.. I must experience it.. Try to handle it the best that I can.. And make sure, that you are strong enough to deal with it.. I always said, If I can pass it and then it will make me stronger and better person.. Huff.. it’s only the beginning.. Worst not yet to come..
Anyway.. talk about my recent expectation.. Hmm.. I feel very confuse.. I don’t even know, how I really felt right now… Is it the real deal ? All I can say that.. For this time, and for this moment.. Just let me have my own happy ending.. Give me a chance to choose my own choice.. And, please.. for this once.. I want to feel that way.. For real..
Tragedi Kaki..
Pernah gak sih ngalamin cedera di kaki yang bikin loe susah banget buat jalan.. Huehue.. Lebaran kemaren gw melakukan suatu kebodohan yang menyebabkan gw mesti bed rest 2 hari di kamar.. Gw emang udah mulai gak enak badan dr hari kedua lebaran.. Gila aja, yang biasanya lebaran gw brutal dalam urusan makanan.. Ini gak banget looohh..
Gara-gara gw mengalami gangguan pencernaan kronis..:P Bahkan nyium aroma makanan lebaran yang full santan aja gak kuat.. Bawaannya pingin muntah.. Anyway.. pokoknya itu aja udah bikin gw terkapar di kamar.. selama 2 hari.. Nah hari ketiga dimana gw udah berasa fit kembali.. Gw main di balkon kamar gw.. Trus liat pohon mangga di ujung balkon dan dipucuk pohon mangga ada 2 buah mangga yang matang dan belum tersentuh oleh kalong.. Keisengan deh mengulang hobi masa kecil manjat pohon mangga.. Mangga-nya sih dapet, cuman gw meleng jadinya jatuh.. Alhasil kaki kanan gw keceklek and bengkak..
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Whatever Will Be..
I just made the hardest decision in my life..I don’t know how I really feels right know.. What I know is, this is the best for both of us.. Maybe we just don’t meant for each other.. And I really hope all the best for him.. He’s a great guy, and I hope he will find his true soul mate..
I’m such a big liar if I said that I’m ok.. The truth is.. Somehow it really hurts.. But I made my decision, and I already have thought about it for about a month..
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