Happy 6th Wedding Monthsary Dear Love..

Dear Love..

I can not believe today is our 6 months togetherness. It’s been quite a ride. And I really enjoy every minute of it. You don’t need to give me present anymore. Cause we already have this precious gift in our monthsary today. Our bundle of joy. And the symbol of our unity.. πŸ™‚

God really give us thatΒ  gift in our best time. I feel truly blessed. And being with u every day, has made me the happiest woman alive. You are not the perfect man in the world. But you are perfect for me.

You shower me with love and affection everyday. You never give up on us and especially on me. You always bright up my days. You keep cheering me up when I’m down. And u never let any frown faces I make to create distance between us. You always pull me back to you and make us even stronger.

6 Fabulous MonthsI love u always dear Love. And I want to spend the rest of my live loving u and our little family. HappyΒ  Monthsary love.. May God always bless and protect us and our little family.

Amiinn.. πŸ™‚

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11 thoughts on “Happy 6th Wedding Monthsary Dear Love..

  1. desi eria says:

    Huaa, jadi terharu mba Anggi bacanya.
    Mupeng gini kalo liat yang udah nikah.
    Jadi pengen secepatnya hehe.

    Selamat yaa mba, semoga selain 6 bulan, nantinya ada 1st anniversary, 6 taun, 16 tahun, 60 tahun, 600 tahun kalo bisa hehe πŸ˜€

    Semoga keluarga mba Anggi dan mas Amir selalu diberi kebahagiaan sama Allah SWT Amiiinn πŸ˜€

  2. ruli says:

    wow!!! anggi.. seneng bgt deh ma kalian.. baru beberapa hari ini aku nemu blog kalian waktu aku nyari ttg mahar!! seneeeng bgt!!! tiap bete! seneng! jenuh! tiap waktu pasti aku sempet2in baca blog km ini di kantor!! dari waktu persiapan nikah mpe hari ini aku nemu sambungannya ttg The Karimudin!! uugghh.. pengen peluk rasanya.. jadi ikutan sayang deh ma The Karimudin..
    add fb-ku doong!! calon suamiku juga suka ma blog kalian ini!!

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