After paralel run with plurk (*halah,kayakkerjaanaja), finally we decide to use twitter more optimal, including using the twitter widget instead of plurk widget on our beloved blog. Our reasons for using twitter are:
- There are lots of twitter client application available for BlackBerry (example: both of us are using UberTwitter)
- We can follow tons of information stream in real time, including celebrities (e.g. Oprah, Aston Kutcher), major media (e.g. CNN, BBC), shopping center (e.g. Plaza Senayan, Pacific Place), airlines (e.g. Singapore Airlines, Garuda Indonesia, Air Asia), movie theater (e.g. blitzMegaplex) and big companies (e.g. Google, WordPress, RIM BlackBerry).
- There is no KARMA system that enforce us to update all the time. 🙂
- Better way of communicating since the conversation is not divided by thread like plurk..
Umm what else?!? I think those reasons are enough for us. So, r u tweeting also? Kindly follow us at @dadidedo and @amirk . Let’s TWEETT!!!
Mbak anggi.., gmn seh caranya masang foto yg diatasnya ada alamat blog kita. Seperti foto2 d blog ini yg selalu ada tulisan “the karimuddin ” diatasnya. Aku da cari2 d google tp ga nemu2 juga, please ya mba Anggi yg manis (ngerayu dikit)..
Yah say.. itu mah aku edit manual. Bisa pake paint(cara plg standard), pake photoshop atau picasa.. Pake program untuk edit foto mana aja pasti bisa ko..
makasih ya mbak da mau kasi tau caranya. Tapi mbak uda aku coba, dan hasilnya tetap ga bisa. tiap aku posting gmbr ke blog aku, tulisannya tetap ga muncul. Aku ga tahu di mana kurangnya. Mbak kl ga repot bisa kan, ks tau caranya yg lebih detil. Biar aku ga penasaran terus…
Err.. Kamu cobanya gimana ? Pakai software yang mana?