ZARA and Mandiri : the problem within..


Another problem I’ve got because of failure transaction using my ATM card. Last Saturday, I went to ZARA. I went shopping (of course). I kinda bored with the color of my cardigan, so I decided to buy another one, with pop-up color of course. After looked around. I decided to but green cardigan and another blouse (the blouse is 50 percent discount).

First I used my Mandiri debit card to paid. First swipe, it is said error on the machine display. So we tried another swipe. Second swipe, it still said error on the machine display. Humm.. I wonder why.. So I decided to use my credit card.
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..kalau lagi stres ngapain ?..

Kalau gw sih.. Penghilang stress nomor satu adalah.. SHOPPING !! Abis itu ke salon dan selanjutnya makan es krim rasa berrys.. Hahahaha.. ada-ada aja yaa..

Uggh.. Penyakiitt.. Abis gimana lagi… Hihihi.. Kayak kemaren dunk gila yaa.. Aku berantem ama ayang.. Ngaaahh.. aku syebaall.. Aku ga suka berantem sama dia. Ga mau berantem lagi yang jelass.. GA MAUU.. Setelah yaa.. adu argumen.. minta maaf.. sayang-sayangan lagii.. (yippi.. ^_^) Aku lgsg bilang sama ayang. Aku mau belanja. Hihihihi…
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The Grand Duck King, Blitz Megaplex and Forever 21

Pekerjaan lagi menggigit banget akhir-akhir ini. Semingguan ini setiap pulang kantor selalu keleyengan karena pusing bergulat dengan angka-angka… Huuh.. nasibnya kerja di Direktorat yang berbau-bau statistik. Gak jauh-jauh dari angka soalnya.. Hehehe.. Tapi pusing di kantor tidak menyurutkan niat gw untuk jalan-jalan after hour.

Hari Rabu dah puas nonton American Gangster di EX. Tentunya pakai promo buy 1 get 1 Citibank Clear Card dunk.. Bistu kemarin pengen nyobain promo Mandiri Titanium 75% di Blitz. Nonton apa ? Nonton Perempuan Punya Cerita. Hehehehe..
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Teddy Bear, Shopping and His Parents

Last Saturday, I spent the day with his family. Well actually that was not the first time I went out with his family. But I never actually put in my blog. Hehe..

So we went to Senayan City. We had lunch at Kedai Desa. It’s Sundanese Food, and it is quite ok. I love the ‘nasi bakar’. It’s yummy. We had a nice lunch. And somehow I already felt comfortable with his parents. Well.. In my honest opinion, his parents is somehow like my parents but in opposite way. His Father is very talkative, love talking, spontaneous and basically pretty much like my mother. And his mother is more quite, analytical, well definitely like my father.
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..the almost perfect day..

Soo.. There is 50 % percent offer at all INVIO and Atmosphere’s outlet for all bankers. This offer is for all items. Special promotion for Banker’s Day. Yeay.. It’s exciting for me, since I love INVIO design for Office outfit. I thought I need new blazer. Well.. It will never be enough.. 😛

I started the day with quite happy feeling. Actually I want to treat my parents to eat dim sum. Oh no.. I still have this crave for dim sum. But they don’t want dim sum they want to eat crab. Uuhh.. ok.. So I change my plan. And I was thinking.. Umm.. Why don’t I please myself.. First, I can go to Beauty Salon, to have cream bath. And then I can go shopping at INVIO.. 😀
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