Are You a Coffee Lover or a Coffee Addict ?

What’s the different ? What’s the definition of a coffee lover or a coffee addict ?

Honestly, I also don’t know the definition. But if I can say about myself, I’m considering myself as a coffee lover but I am not a coffee addict. I don’t necessary put coffee in my must drink every day. I rarely drink coffee in work days. But I love to have a special time to drink a pretty good roasted coffee. I can enjoy pure arabica roasted coffee, pure without any sugar at all. And you will think, isn’t it bitter ? Yes it is.. And I really like it. First you will taste bitter.. But then.. You will taste sweet also. The richness in the coffee bean makes the flavor very interesting.
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Lontong dalam Ramen ?

Beppu Ramen

Jadi kemaren Sabtu abis makan ramen di Beppu Menkan EX. Pas ada promosi mandiri juga 50%. Favorit aku di Beppu Menkan adalah Beppu Ramen. Ramen isi seafood dan daging sapi. Pokoknya komplit banget. Karena kita berdua lagi dalam proses pengurangan porsi makan.. Jadinya kita pesan ramen untuk berdua.. ^_^
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Makan Ayam di The Chicken Rice Soup..

Sebenarnya bukan ini bukan pertama kalinya aku makan di The Chicken Rice Soup (TCRS). Pertama kali nyobain waktu aku pergi ke Kuala Lumpur. TCRS ini memang waralaba asal Malaysia yang pertama kali buka di Indonesia ada di Plaza Semanggi Jakarta. Karena asalnya dari Malaysia memang bisa ketebak kalau ini TCRS udah pasti cap halal nya. Wehehe..

Kemaren liat resto ini baru buka di City Lofts. Terus iseng deh nyobain makan disana. Karena baru buka jadi ada promosi-promosi menarik. Mereka ada paket buat dua orang (Twin Delight) yang isinya Soup of The Day, 2 Nasi Ayam. TCRS Honey BBQ Chicken, Single Serve Chicken dan Pak Choy with Oyster Sauce. Harga paket tersebut cukup 46k IDR. Lumayan banget yaah. Karena pesan pake yang Twin Delight dapat kupon promosi minum Ice Lemon Tea 2 gelas gratis. Hehe.. lumayan lagii..
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Dimsum di RICE

Kemaren lusa ke Senayan City trus makan di RICE. Aku lagi ngidam banget sama masakan cina. Dimsum, ayam kung pao sama chinese fried rice. Huhuhu.. Mumpung waktu itu masih ada promosi 50% Mandiri for all ladies in April.

Kita banyak pesan dimsum : Chicken Feet (15k IDR), Siomay (15k IDR), Ha Kau (7.5k IDR), dan Fried Wonton (15k IDR) . Kemudian aku pesan Crab Corn Soup (26k IDR), Fried Calamari (24k IDR) dan Special Fried Rice (35k IDR) buat tambahannya.
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His Birthday Dinner at Cilantro

So we celebrated it in Cilantro. The highest restaurant in Jakarta. I’ve been to this restaurant several times. But for him, it is his first time. Unfortunately,I had a small problem with the staff in Cilantro before dinner. Well, I told this problem earlier to meto. So her goes my story and review..

Actually he was the one who make the reservation (which I regret, it should have been me who did it). And after he made the reservation, I called Cilantro. I ordered birthday cake for him. And I specially requested for their staff to sing a long ‘Birthday Song’ when they bring out the cake. It should be a surprise. But the staff their forgot my other special request, which is not to confirm this ‘cake thing’ to him.
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