Me Likey Honda Freed !!

This will released on 2009. Cross fingers !!  Hopefully the price is slightly above Honda Jazz 2008. And not as expensive as City 2009.. Yup, they will also release the new City.. After my previous post about me wanting Honda Jazz. I think Honda Freed will suit us more than Jazz..

Just take a look at this picture. Isn’t it adorable. It look like a bigger Jazz version and a smaller version of Alphard. Sliding doors and it has up to 8 seater.  It will be perfect for us !!

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Kapan Wall-E Main di Indonesia ?!?!?

Huhuhu.. sudah tidak sabar niiih nonton Wall-E. Karena belum bisa nonton filmnya, foto dulu deh sama bonekanya Wall-E yang gede di f(X). Hihihihi…

Hari ini, akhirnya kesampaian juga mampir ke f(X) yang dulu namanya Sudirman Palace.Tempatnya masih baru sih cuman sudah ramai. Agak mirip sama kaya EX namun lebih beragam pilihan restoran dan cafe untuk hang out nya. Dan konsepnya juga lucu yah. Kaya campuran entertainment, business dan fun. Yaah mereka sih bilangnya mengakomodasi lifestyle kaum metropolis halah..
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And I Claim This Sennheiser..


Hihihihi… actually it’s belong to my fiancee . But I claim this to be mine. Hehehe.. Sennheiser earphone just make my autism mode complete. Hehehe…And definitely boost up my energy and mood for work.. ^o^

I just looovee it.. Like I have my personal sound system in my cubicle. I’m in love.. So in love..  Btw, my colleague told me that If I love Sennheiser, then next level is Bang and Olufsen. Oh yes darling, like I can afford it.. Hihihi.. But I will enjoy this sennheiser as long as I can, and then move to the next level.. Hihihihi…
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I’m a Dying Shopaholic..

Arrrgghh… mau nikah ada aja yaaah printilan-printilannya… Wohohoho.. Belum lagi cash flow jadi meningkat drastis. Huks.. Duit baru masuk udah langsung keluar lagi dan itu akan berlangsung sampai Februari nanti. Waaaakkss.. Huhuhuhu..

Not complaining siih.. Cuman agak kangen masa-masa dimana bisa melepas stress dengan belanja. Hehehe.. Salah satu kegiatan impulsif gw yang sangat amat tidak sehat siih. Namun dapat memberikan ketenangan semu ke gw. Halah..
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