Did u ever try to smoke ?

My friend asked me this question today. And I simply answer : ‘No’. And then he asked ‘Why ?’. Hmm.. maybe because my parents is not a smoker. I grew up in free-of-smoke-environment. Umm.. except for my granddad maybe. But, he stop after being told with my brother that smoking is bad. Hahaha.. the power of innocent little child for telling things to older people.. šŸ™‚ Oh well, I never ever try to smoke. Not even tempted to try it.. Thanks God I have that strength..

And then he asked me the next question. ‘Did u ever try to drink ?’. Hehehe.. for this answer, I simply asked ‘Yes’. Well, I’m not proud of it, cause it is not align with my religion. But I think I was just curious at that moment and I just want to experience something new. Well curiosity that led me to try Red Wine, White Wine, Champagne, Baileys, Tequila, Beer, and Cosmopolitan. Whaaaat ?!?! Huehehehe.. šŸ˜›
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So many things Iā€™d like to read..

..but.. so little time ? Not really. I’ve got plenty of spare time (now). But dunno..

I love reading, but I can get easily bored if the subject is not appealing to me anymore. But, I think I’m going to change that. I will set myself to read couples of journal / post per week. I find the perfect resources, and I’m going to use it. Well, I hope the knowledge will help me if I’m goin to take my Master Degree. What ? Master Degree ? Yes, I still have ambition for it. I hope I can get Phd also.. šŸ™‚ You can say, dream on little girl. But I guess it is not wrong to dream high. šŸ˜€
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How can we know..

..what not to do and what must do if we don’t know the rules / guideline. It just stupid and quite unfair. Let they do their thinking whether their work as a committee is already as good as their expected to be. For myself, I’m just glad that we actually had fun together yesterday. Bidang 3 rocks !! Yeay.. šŸ™‚

Riddikulus !!

Spell I would say if I were a wizard, especially when I heard about this certain news. Just read another post from cafe salemba, this one is about Aceh. It is mention that they will spend about 7.4 million USD to build tsunami museum .
Yeah right, there are many tsunami survivor that still need house, job and many other things that is more important than to build a museum. I guess the idea for building the tsunami museum is good, but the timing is not right. Why don’t we fix all the need-to-be-fix and then after everything is ok, we will think bout building the museum with extraordinary budget. I mean, 7.4 million USD for God sake, we can build hundred of decent houses, we can build road and fly over, we can improve the public transportation and many other important things to the community.

15 days to go..

Before my last day in this firm..

Finally I arrived in Jakarta. After long long hours of flight. I never remember when is the last time that I’m so excited coming home. It’s been a long journey. And I must end it.

I’m really happy to meet my family and my friends again. In fact I can say that I never been as happy as this moment. I met my best friend Nongki yesterday. We talked so many things. And one thing I notice that she told me that I’m changing. I’m different now. More relax and I look really enjoy the ambience in Jakarta. Hahahaha.. :)) Yes It’s true.. I really enjoy every minute I spend in this city. Well, this city is definitely not the best city in the world. Pollution everywhere. People break the rule all the time. The people is far from nice, especially for stranger. But I do feel this is my home. My family and friend is here. And that is enough for me.
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