My Visual DNA..

Try this personality test..

Here is my result :

Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

You’re a bit romantic and have a taste for exotic. You love feeling sea breeze in your hair, sun in your skin.. Slip those shoes off.. You like to kick back. When it comes to art , you have a traditional eye. You are passionate about history and skills that have been around for centuries , you believe truly great art stands the test of time. As for music, it’s the soundtrack to your world . It gives you focus, and concentration – you might find it hard to switch off. Your choice of treat shows that you really care about your appearance , of you feel good on the outside , you’ll feel good on the inside right ?

Oh – insatiable ! Your thirst of affection never drops. You’ve got high sex drive and appetite for lurve. For kicks you like to indulge in your great passions. You are probably happy spending time alone, and your drive and curiosity will take you all over the world. When it comes to holiday, you like to immerse yourself in another culture. Always on the go, you take in as much as you can. You find it hard to switch off, as you like to learn all the time. What grosses you out ? You favour the natural look and can’t stand a pumped and plumped, plastic appearance.
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Ga percaya kan akhirnya gw mengakui kalo gw stress… Secara berat gw turun 4 kl dalam waktu 2 minggu tanpa ada niat menurunkan. Dan kepala gw bawaannya beraaatt bangeet.. Yeps, I’m so stressed out !! Ujian.. ke ujian.. ke ujian.. belom lagi pake ada acara presentasi. Ngak ngik nguk beraaaatt.. Aku sediiihh.. aku stresss… Arrrgggghhhh.. Belom lagi issue-issue sampingan yang ada disekitar gw. Yang dimana gw selalu melarikan masalah gw, bukan dengan menyelesaikannya tetapi malah mengalihkannya dengan mencoba pusing dengan masalah org lain. Aneeehh deh gw.. Aneeehhh.. :((

Hmm.. trus palagi ya. Setelah ulang tahun gw yang lewat cukup berkesan. Gw dapat selamat dari orang-orang yang ga gw sangka. Menyenangkan banget !!. Cuman ntah kenapa gw ga dapet selamat dari orang-orang yang gw kira teman-teman baik gw. Apakah mereka emang berniat melupakan or what ? Fuck if I know.. (Ignorance is a bliss..) Not a big deal juga sihh..
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And Finally.. I turned 22..

22 Years old.. What will become of me ? I don’t know. Will my 22 years old in this world will be as good as my 21 years old ? As I always said, Me being 21 years old is the best year so far.. 🙂 Can this year top that ? Oh well, nobody knows I guess.. But so far I’m happy..:)

Yesterday, after I finished working with my presentation group, my friend Max, suggested me to go out with the rest of the gank (oh my god, I can not believe I use the word gank.. it so lame, anyway..). I thought, that was great idea. And then I went to my friend’s kost (Danny and Bayu) with Max before we decided to go somewhere. I went there using Max’s motorcycle. Hehehehe..;) And how unlucky we are, we caught by rain.. Huahahahaha.. And then we waited in the bus stop until the rain is over. Huehuehue.. What an experienced.. Something I won’t forget..
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Weekend for Study ??!?

Gak bangeet kaleee… !!!

Hehehe, tapi kenyataannya.. Gw br balik nih (baca: skrg pukul jam 22:30) dr rumah Rangga. Abis belajar kelompok. Huahuahuahuahua… :)))

Najooong beraaat deeehh.. Eeeh.. tapi Alhamdulillah, jadi mengerti apa aja yang diomongin di kelas selama seminggu kemaren. Thanks to Bapak Arief yang dengan sabar mengajarkan kita. Hehe.. Emang dasar Arief ngajarinnya enak sih ya. Jadinya apa yang diomongin ngalor ngidul seminggu kemaren, gw jadi mudeng buangeeeett !!! Alhamdulillah..
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Kombinasi Yang Aneh !!

Hehehe.. abis ketemu sama temen2x kuliah. Well.. ada gw, kupat, meti sama Amir. Kenapa gw bilang kombinasi yang aneh ? Yaa.. kita berempat emang kombinasi yang aneh. Ga biasanya kita hang out cuma berempat aja. Tapi ya.. somehow.. Karena planningnya dari si memed.. Berkumpullah kita. Lucu siihh.. And I found it very refreshing..

Tadi kita nonton Eragon. Haa ? Gw nonton Eragon lagi ? Hehe.. secara gw waktu nonton pertama kali ga konsen banget, jdnya ok lah nonton lagii.. Bistu kita hang out di Pizza Marzano. Hehe.. rencana awal sih mau malakin si Kupat, dengan alasan yang.. hehe.. ga jelas. Tapi ga jadi, secara kita emang teman yang baik hati.. Jadinya ya udah patungan deeehh..
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