2011: The Recap

2011 has been very good for me and my family.. Alhamdulillah.. Let see the recap, shall we?

January 2011

I started the year with pap smear.. 😆 Finally I did my first one. And it didn’t go as awful as I imagined — which reminds me that I need to do another pap smear next January. Seems like it’s easier to put my birthday as a gentle reminder to do pap smear every year 😆

Aghnan got his new (modified) ride. We decided to buy Xtra Zapp chair (only the chair) to upgrade Aghnan’s stroller. Next, it was the first time fo me to strip all of his clodi. I made a pledge to cook new recipes every week in 2011, but I guessed the resolution turned sour since I didn’t able to settle my mood to follow the pledge 😆

I turned 26 that month and I held my first Lunch Party at our house. My best friend also got married on January and I closed the month by attending Financial Talk Show held by Female Daily Network. What an eye opener!! 🙂

February 2011

I received my very late birthday present from hubby, which was iPhone 4.  It has been my favourite gadget ever since. Hail to Steve Jobs!!

I experienced GTM (Gerakan Tutup Mulut) from Aghnan, but Alhamdulillah it was only because of his teething. After his teeth appeared, his appetite came back as good as it used to be 🙂

February will always be our month of love. We celebrated our 2 years anniversary, hope it will last until forever. I attended my first make up class that was held by Female Daily Network. I love and hate it — I love because since then I can apply a proper make up (daily use or party use), but I also hate it because I became addicted to make up. Helloowww, MAC, MUFE, Urban Decay, you are my new best friends.

My brother finally graduated on this month. Aghnan took his second trip to Bandung to attend his uncle graduation day. I am very proud of my brother. But I believe my parents is even prouder than me.

March 2011

March 2011 was a preparation month for Aghnan first birthday party. I was beyond excited. I prepared all within the month, and thankfully I didn’t change into one of those momzilla 😆 I also struggled with Aghnandosaurus. Gosh, breastfeeding is a never ending battle. I thought I’ve passed the worst part, but when the teething was started the battle was on again. I also decided to plunge myself into all of the preparation to continue my study 🙂

April 2011

Aghnando turned 1 year old. Yaaay!! My baby is officially a toddler. And alhamdulillah his first birthday party went well. Ayah also turned 29 years old. Wow, another year before the big 3-0.

This month I also attended PESAT 12 Jakarta. It really helped me to understand and broaden my knowledge about Rational Use of Medicine. Surely being a parent is a never ending learning process. Still on April, Aghnan had his first alergy attack and he started to have common cold back and forth. Alhamdulillah for PESAT and milis sehat, when that happened I could stay calm to handle it. Of course I’ve never forgot to trust my instinct as a mother.

May 2011

It was Aghnan first trip to Malang. Yay!! Finally we visited the famous Batu Secret Zoo. And I clearly remembered on that month I had my first pregnancy scare 😆 I finished reading Battle Hym of Tiger Mom, and it was really good and inspiring. Exactly what I want to become as a mother, but not in the extreme way like Amy Chua of course. 😆

June 2011

Another trip for Aghnan. This time, it was Aghnan’s first trip to Sea World. He also learned how to flirt with pretty ladies. There’s always the first time for everything, right? 😆

Still on June, I created new dedicated blog for Aghnan. I also held my first surprise baby shower to  two beautiful preggy ladies.  All of my friends helped to arrange all of it. It was zuper fun!!

July 2011

We started surveying for Aghnan’s school this month. It wasn’t an easy task since we had so many criteria for Aghnan’s School 😆  Our other baby, bebibobu, participated in Market Plaza Day by Female Daily Network. It was fun. And ayah (finally) wrote another post in this blog regarding Reksadana 101. For those of you still haven’t got any idea about mutual fund, you should checked out his post.

August 2011

It was the holy month, Ramadhan 🙂 And I was back fasting after 2 years of absence (because of pregnancy and exclusive breastfeeding). Nothing much happened this month except our preparation for Idul Fitri and our long holiday.  We also bought our first stove on August. Yay!!

September 2011

Great month!! We had our first international trip and it was just the three of us. We went to Perth and it was Aghnan’s first experience to travel abroad. Thanks to our super nice host, Ochel, Gajah and lil mis Nin, we had a marvelous time at Perth. We explored Perth City, visited Fremantle and had the best Fish and Chips ever, met and greeted with Koala and Kangaroo at Caversham Wildlife Park, tasted my last zip of wine at Lanchester Winery and shopping!!  The culinary experience at Perth was mouthgasm. We surely could not forget how delicious the Squid with Salted Eggs was. It melted in our mouth. Aaaaahh it makes me hungry!!. Y U NO OPEN YOUR BRANCH HERE Singapore Chinese Restaurant?  😆

After Perth we continued our trip to Bali. We stayed at this grand hotel Ayana, and we got upgraded to a Suite. What a nice way to bring up our mood after the rain cover tragedy. Alhamdulillah. We visited Bali Marine Park and we saw wonderful sunset at Rock Bar, the highlight of our holiday at Bali 🙂

And you think that was the best moment on that month? Nope, it gets even better. Aghnan finally had courage to walk by himself. Alhamdulillah..  🙂

October 2011

We continued our survey for Aghnan’s school on October, including several trials at every school on our list. We had our 26 hours trip to Bandung and we visited Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. And I got my first ISK and it felt terrible 🙁 Thanks to Cranberry Juice, it helped me to recover fast.

This month I finally had a chance to visit my bestie in Balikpapan. It was really fun to meet her. We talked so many things just like we used to do when we were still single.

November 2011

After several months contemplating back and forth, finally, I decided to wear hijab for once and for all. I think this is the best only kept secret that I kept from my husband for months. I mentioned it after I really really sure about myself. And Alhamdulillah I received full support from my husband and my family. I am really happy with decision, and I think this is one of the best decision I’ve made, so far. I hope I can stay istiqomah with my hijab till the end of time. Amiin.

Oh yeah, finally we decided to enroll Aghnan to our selected pre school after series of trial. Why I’ve never mentioned the final pre-school in this blog? Merely because of safety reason. We would never know what kind of people who read this blog, right?

December 2011

And then came December.. I started this month by attending Hijab Playdate The Urban Muslimah. It was so inspiring and I hope The Urban Muslimah will organize another playdate in 2012. Lastly, we had our last trip in 2011 to Jogja.

What a wonderful year right? Alhamdulillah. My resolution in 2011 was to become more patience. Just “one thing” and I still need to improve it in 2012.

1,5 days to go before 2012. Are you ready?

4 thoughts on “2011: The Recap

  1. Indri says:

    huaahh…keren mbak blognya….dan aku pun syukaa dengan postingan yg ini…very inspired me buat bikin rekapan 2011 juga hehe…tadi pagi baru sempet bikin yang resolusi 2012 🙂

    saya link ya blognya 🙂 kalau berkenan di link balik 🙂 kalo enggak yowes rapopo hihihi *peace*

    Salam kenal 🙂

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